Pallini 0.28g BLS - Bianchi

Pallini 0.28g BLS - Bianchi

Balls with a weight of 0.25 g, intended for AEGs and gas pistols/rifles.They are made of high-quality composites, and their surface has been carefully polished.Their diameter is 5.95mm +/- 0.01mm.This ammunition is recommended for precision barrels. pallini non bio per il softair 
Brand: BLS
SKU: 1kg-h28-3246
Disponibilità: Disponibile
Affrettati! Solo 24 in magazzino
Subtotale: €14,00
10 utenti stanno guardando questo prodotto
Pallini 0.28g BLS - Bianchi

Pallini 0.28g BLS - Bianchi


Pallini 0.28g BLS - Bianchi


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